Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Adyn's 1st Birthday!

I was so excited to do this shoot - Adyn is a good buddy of my little guy who also just turned 1, so I've had the pleasure of watching her grow up this year. I shot mostly in the backyard where the natural light was beautiful and there were so many great colors to compliment her outfits. Then we moved inside for a couple more staged studio style photos (with a tutu, of course), and finally - the cupcake smash! A lot of photographers do ones like this, and this was my first - I just handed her a pink cupcake and watched her have at it. It was so much fun - happy 1st birthday Adyn!


  1. This little chunk of love is AMAZING! Great photos, Kim-ster.

  2. Blogger Cheryl Kaufman said...

    Wonderful pictures of Adyn Kim! My favorite is the B/W of her running down what looks like a hallway. You really captured her on many levels.

    Very comprehensive blog!!! Keep up the great work.


