Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Changes

Well, 2011 was a bit cloudy in my world but the best silver lining was starting this business. Thank you to everyone who helped make it successful and give me the confidence and inspiration to forge ahead with this venture. I look forward to capturing more beautiful moments for you and your family and friends in 2012!

With the new year comes some changes. First, look up at the URL address bar...yup, I purchased the domain name! The Blogspot address will still work, but it will redirect here. Now my website is even easier to remember!

In the last few weeks, I spent some significant time analyzing my prices and reflecting on the work I've done so far - where my time goes, how much I spend shooting vs. editing vs. general business development, and what I end up giving my clients. So I have adjusted my prices accordingly, and I hope that you will still find it to be affordable and of high quality. I am also offering some new packages and sessions so please take a look. And there will be special promotions and deals to come throughout the year, so stay tuned!

Happy New Year!

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