Monday, March 5, 2012

So...what do you think?!

I am SO SO SO excited to roll out my new blog site!!! I've been working the amazing Becca at Jumping Jax Designs for the last couple months to create a whole new look for my little biz. Up until now I had just been playing around on my own with fonts and watermarks and logos and business was all over the place and nothing was coordinated. Time for a change!

I have seen Becca's work on a bunch of blogs I read so I reached out, and it's one of the best investments I've made thus far, for the logo work alone! She really pulled everything together - the overall look, the fonts and colors, and logo styles. We had over 100 emails back and forth, as I debated to death the font choices (I drove myself totally batty in the process, I'm pretty sure it was no picnic for Becca either!) and then had to come up with 3 different logo concepts. And this was all starting from scratch...I literally said "I want something clean and sophisticated, somewhat whimsical but not too cutesy." I mean, that doesn't exactly narrow it down, does it?

Here is Becca's genius at work:

Seriously, if you have a blog - whether its for a business or just your own personal one - and you want a little makeover, you need to talk to Becca NOW! You won't be sorry, I promise!

Happy spring!

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